Text content editings


  1. Edit HTML source(编辑HTML源代码)

    The [Edit - Edit HTML source] utility allows to edit HTML source code for the current item's HTML content.

    工具【编辑 - 编辑HTML源代码】可用来编辑当前信息条目的HTML源码。

    myBase v7.x doesn't accept scripts in the HTML source. Scripts (dynamic contents) may cause confusion with the inbuilt WYSIWYG HTML editor. So please avoid using scripts (dynamic content) in HTML source code.

    由于HTML里动态内容(脚本)会导致内置HTML可见即所得编辑器的不正常运行,myBase v7.x并不支持HTML源码里的脚本。所以需要避免在HTML原来里使用脚本。

    However, you can freely use CSS2/3 in the HTML source code so long as you like using CSS more than the inbuilt WYSIWYG HTML editor. In fact, some of inbuilt text formatting tools have been using CSS2/3.


    Note that myBase tries to make HTML source code more human-readable by auto-indentation with Tab characters (0x09); If you're trying to manually edit the HTML source code, please make sure that you always use the Tab characters (0x09) for indentation in the HTML source code, instead of the blank spaces (0x20) or any other characters. Otherwise, it may produce unwanted extra blank spaces in the rendered webpage.


  2. Edit plain text(编辑纯文本)

    The [Attachments - Edit plain text] utility allows to edit current HTML content or current attachment as plain text. If any attachment file is currently selected, it attempts to load it as plain text for editing, otherwise, it loads the current item's HTML content as plain text for editing.

    工具【附件 - 编辑纯文本】将以文本方式编辑当前HTML内容或附件。如果有当前选定的附件,那么本工具会尝试以文本方式载入并编辑。如无选定附件,则把信息条目HTML源码以纯文本方式编辑。

    Note that this utility always saves text content in UTF-8, no matter what encoding type it's originally saved in.


    Caution: This utility can only be used to edit text files; Editing arbitrary/binary files as plain text will destroy the files.


  3. Paste clipboard data(粘贴)

    The [Edit - Paste] utility simply pastes the preferred data from clipboard; In general, it first looks into Clipboard and see if any HTML content available to acquire, otherwise it looks for Images, Plain Text and URLs. However, when pasting random HTML content into a Table section, only plain text is accepted.

    【编辑 - 粘贴】工具把粘贴板的内容粘贴到信息条目。一般来说,会先查看粘贴板内是否有HTML内容,再查看是否有图片,文字或者网址。但是如果把HTML内容粘贴到表格里,那么只有纯文本会被粘贴。

    The [Edit - Paste special ...] utility allows to choose one of data formats available in the Clipboard. This is useful when you want to paste a specified data format instead of the preferred one.

    【编辑 - 选择粘贴】工具则允许选择粘贴板内已存在某格式,把内容进行粘贴。

    The [Edit - Paste unformatted] utility simply pastes plain text available in the Clipboard.

    【编辑 - 无格式粘贴】工具则只以无格式文本形式进行粘贴。

  4. Make into table(转换文本为表格)

    The [Edit - Text utilities - Make into table ...] utility converts the currently selected tabular text into an HTML table.

    【编辑 - 实用工具(文本) - 转换文本为表格】工具可以用来把选定的表格数据文本转化成表格。

    The tabular text must be separated with a special character or string, for example,



    It will be converted into an HTML table by using the comma delimiter.


  5. Edit with fillable form(编辑数据字段)

    The [Edit - Text utilities - Edit with fillable form...] utility allows to edit the [key=value] data records within a fillable form. You can edit existing [key=value] records or append new keys (field names) and values with ease.

    【编辑 - 实用工具(文本) - 编辑数据字段】工具以可填充对话框的方式来编辑[key=value]形式的数据。你可以用本工具编辑已存在的数据或创建新的数据。

    In addition, the [Share - Export data records to CSV file] utility helps export existing data records as .csv file for data exchanging with spreadsheet software or other database programs.

    另外,使用【导出 - 导出数据字段为CSV文件】则可把这些数据导出到.csv文件。

  6. Custom stylesheet(自定义样式)

    Custom stylesheet defines text fromatting data (e.g. font name, size, style and colors), that can be applied to the currently selected text in the HTML editor.


    To define a stylesheet, please select the [Stylesheet - Defined stylesheet ...] menu item, then determine a name, and setting the text attributes to define the new stylesheet;

    可以通过菜单【样式 - 定义样式表】自定义样式,然后在弹出的对话框中定义名字和样式属性即可。

    If you first highlight a sample text within the HTML editor, and then select the [Stylesheet - Defined stylesheet ...] menu item, it attempts to extract formatting data from the highlighted text to initialize the new stylesheet;

    如果你在执行【样式 - 定义样式表】之前已选定了HTML编辑器中的文本,那么则会尝试获取选择文本的格式应用到对话框中的文字样式属性。

    To apply a custom stylesheet to the selected text in other item content, please select [Stylesheet - Name of stylesheet] menu item.


  7. Remove unwanted spaces/returns(清除多余空白)

    Select the [Edit - Text utilities - Remove unwanted spaces...] menu item, then choose what kind of spaces you'd want to eliminate from the currently selected text within the RTF editor.

    【编辑 - 实用工具(文本) - 清除多余空白】工具可以用来清除选定文本中的多余空白。

  8. Find and format text(查找文字设定格式)

    The [Format - Find and format ...] utility allows to find a given text in the HTML content and apply font/color attributes to the matches.

    【格式 - 查找文字设定格式】工具可以用来寻找指定文本然后应用字体/颜色属性。

  9. Sort text lines by alphabet(文本行排序)

    Select the [Edit - Text utilities - Sort text lines...] menu item to sort the currently selected text within the HTML content.

    【编辑 - 实用工具(文本) - 文本行排序】工具把所选文本行按字母数字排序。

    Note that it processes the selected content as plain text, and may lose formatting data from individual lines.


  10. Syntax highlight(源程序语法加亮)

    The [Edit - Syntax highlight] utility makes the selected source code highlighted by syntax. If no source code currently selected, it assumes all text content in the HTML editor to be highlighted by syntax.

    【编辑 - 源程序语法加亮】工具把选定的源码根据所选的语言加亮。如果没有选定内容,那么将会对整个信息条目的内容进行语法加亮。

    Most of familiar programming languages are supported including C/C++, Qt/STL, Java, Javascript, C#, Delphi, VB, Ruby, PHP, Python, GO, Perl, SQL, Bash, Objetive-C, Swift, etc.

    现已支持大部分常用的开放语言,包括C/C++, Qt/STL, Java, Javascript, C#, Delphi, VB, Ruby, PHP, Python, GO, Perl, SQL, Bash, Objetive-C, Swift等。

  11. Insert quick text(插入快捷文字)

    The [Edit - Insert - Insert quick text] utility allows to choose and insert a text content from the pre-defined quick text list. To define a quick text file, simply save quick text as *.q.txt files in either the program's folder, or in the current database's folder, and/or in the './quicktext' sub folder under the program's folder.

    【编辑 - 插入 - 插入快捷文字】工具可以用来把预定义好的文本插入信息条目。如需定义快捷文字文件,可以把以*.q.txt规则命名的文件保存在程序目录,数据库目录或者安装目录的'./quicktext'文件夹内。

  12. Make uppercase/lowercase(转换为小写字母,转换为大写字母)

    The [Edit - Text utilities - Make uppercase/lowercase] utility makes the currently selected text into upper/lower case.

    【编辑 - 实用工具(文本) - 转换为小写字母,转换为大写字母】工具把选定的文本转换大小写。

  13. Edit hyperlink(编辑链接)

    The [Edit - Edit hyperlink ...] utility makes the currently selected text into a triggerable hyperlink. In addition to web URLs, you can also make the text hyperlink to either an info item, or an attachment file, or a local file.

    【编辑 - 编辑链接】工具可以把当前选定的文字加上超链接。除了加入互联网网址外,还可加入条目链接,附件链接等。

  14. Comment on paragraphs(段落备注)

    The [Edit - Comment ...] utility allows to add comment text to the currently selected paragraphs. The comment text are saved within the 'title' property of the paragraphs (i.e. Block-level tags), so the comment text will pop up while the mouse pointer hovers.

    【编辑 - 段落备注】工具可以用来对当前选定的段落加入备注。加入段落备注后,鼠标停留在相关段落,则会出现备注的内容。

  15. Table editings(表格编辑)

    To insert a new table into the current HTML content, please select the [Edit - Table - Insert table] menu item, you can determine the number of rows and columns, and width of the HTML table to be inserted.

    通过使用【编辑 - 表格 - 插入表格】工具可以插入表格在当前信息条目中。

    Once the HTML table is inserted, you can choose to insert/remove rows/columns by selecting the [Edit - Table - Insert/Delete ...] menu items, or resize the table, or resize selected columns, and/or set background color for selected cells.

    当表格被插入信息条目后,即可选择其他表格相关的操作,例如通过【编辑 - 表格 - 插入/删除...】来插入,删除行、列,修改表格宽度,设定表格背景色等。

    myBase uses CSS formatting for HTML tables, and allows you to fully customize the CSS properties by editing HTML source, or just select the [Edit - Table - Custom table style ...] menu item.

    myBase 7.x使用CSS来设定HTML表格,你也可以通过【编辑 - 表格 - 定制表格CSS属性】来自定义表格的相关属性。

  16. Image utilites(图片工具)

    myBase allows to copy/save/rotate/resize images embedded within HTML contents. You can access to these utilities from the image's context menu only, instead of from the main menus.

    myBase 7.x可以支持图片复制,保存,旋转,修改图片尺寸操作,你可以通过在信息条目中右键图片使用这些工具。

    When you copy/paste HTML content from web browsers, myBase tries to download the linked images and make them embedded into the HTML source; this usually produces larger HTML files and may occupy some more disk space, especially when the HTML content is frequently modified with old revisions pushed into revision history. In order to save disk space, you may want to drag the embedded images and drop into the Attachment pane, this moves the embedded images as attachments, with only links preserved in the HTML source, and makes the HTML content smaller.

    当你从网页浏览器中复制粘贴HTML内容时,myBase 7.x会尝试下载相关联的图片并嵌入到HTML源码里,通常这种方式会增大HTML文件的大小,从而使用更多的磁盘空间,尤其是不断修改内容后产生的多个历史修订版本。如果想节省空间,可通过把嵌入的图片拖到附件栏里,这样就会吧嵌入的图片转成附件,HTML源码只会有一个连接,这样就会减小磁盘空间的使用量。

  17. Copy text to title(复制文本到标题)

    The [Edit - Copy text to title] utility copies the currently selected text in HTML content as the current info item's title. The leading/trailing spaces in the title text will forcedly be trimmed.

    【编辑 - 复制文本到标题】工具把当前在HTML内容区域选定的文本复制成当前信息条目的标题。

  18. Revision history(历史修订版本)

    The [Edit - Revision history] utility allows to revert current item content to one of history revisions ever trashed into the recycle bin.

    【编辑 - 历史修订版本】工具可以从回收站中恢复当前已删除或改变的信息条目内容。

    Note that this utility maintains the revision history within the recycle bin, so the revision history will be available till you run the [File - Maintenance - Emtpy recycle bin] utility.

    需要注意的是,如果执行了【文件 - 维护 - 清空回收站】,那么所有历史修订版本将会被删除。