

  1. Notes on safely running myBase database(安全运行myBase数据库的一些建议)

    As database software developers, we're definitely aware of importance of data safety. In our opinion, it's even the most important thing for a database software, We've spent so much time on improving the program for safety, stability and reliability; The latest version of myBase has integarted the new 64-bit storage library (SSG-5), that has made a big progress on data stability and reliability. Here are a few notes/tips that may help you run myBase software safely.

    作为数据库软件开发人员,我们深深的知道数据库安全的重要性。在我们看来,数据库安全甚至是数据库类软件最重要部分, 为此,我们也使用了大量的时间提高软件的安全性、稳定性和可靠性。最新版的myBase集成了新的,更为稳定和可靠的64位存储技术(SSG-5)。下面是一些关于myBase数据库安全的建议:

    • It's highly recommended to periodically create backup for your .nyf databases;
    • Be sure to have working databases normally closed before the OS system shuts down or goes into hibernation;
    • Editing .nyf databases from in shared folders (SMB/NetBIOS) over LAN with myBase Desktop is NOT recommended. Accidental failure on your network connection may cause damage to the working databases. However, viewing .nyf databases via file sharing over LAN is a good idea.
    • myBase Desktop can run from on a removable disk drive (e.g. USB stick); However, it's not recommended to open .nyf databases for editing from on a removable disk drive, accidentally/unsafely unpluging the removable disk may cause file corruption. If you have to do so, please be sure to first create backup;
    • If you have a system tweaking utility (e.g. Anti-virus, Cleaner) running in background, it's recommended to temporarily deactivate it while myBase runs, or put myBase on the 'Exception' list, especially when you experienced problems with it;
    • It'd be safer if you have working databases closed in the case that you won't work with them any more in a day, instead of just leave them running in background;
    • It'd be safer if you open a dataase as Readonly in the case that you don't want to edit it.
    • When a database is open in the edit mode, system crashes or power failure may cause file corruption.
    • If you're having problems opening a .nyf database (or encountered file corruption), and there's neither a recent backup nor any other choice, please try using the recovery tool.
    • 建议使用自动备份的功能,或者您可以自己手动创建备份。
    • 在操作系统关机或休眠前,确保正常关闭当前数据库。
    • 不建议编辑通过局域网共享的nyf数据库文件,如果网络连接出现问题,nyf数据库文件将有可能会损坏。但是通过局域网查看分享的nyf数据库文件却是一个好办法。
    • myBase Desktop可以在移动磁盘运行(例如U盘),但不建议直接在移动磁盘直接编辑nyf数据库。因为意外或不小心移除移动硬盘会损坏当前数据库文件。如果您要在U盘运行myBase,请务必做好备份。
    • 如果系统装有杀毒软件等后台运行的软件,在myBase运行的时候,建议暂时关闭实时监控,或者把myBase加入例外列表,尤其在使用有问题的时候。
    • 在不需要使用当前数据库的时候,请关闭此数据库。
    • 如果您不打算编辑数据库,建议用只读方式打开。
    • 当数据库用读写模式打开时,遇到系统由于断电意外关机的时候有可能会损坏当前数据库。
    • 如果数据库损坏或不能打开,您可以通过最近备份恢复,如无备份可以尝试使用恢复工具
  2. About the file extension names (.nyf, .bak, .dbindex)(myBase相关文件的文件名后缀(.nyf, .bak, .dbindex))

    • The .nyf file contains titles, notes, webpages, images, attachments, labels, links, everything you saved in the database.
    • The .bak file is backup of the .nyf database file having the same base file name.
    • The .dbindex file contains index data created for fast searching.
    • nyf文件包括节点名,文本,网页,图片,附件,包括所有myBase数据库的内容
    • .bak文件是.nyf数据库的备份
    • .dbindex文件包含用于实现快速搜索的索引数据
  3. What's the difference between Attachments and Shortcuts within myBase?(myBase里附件和快捷方式的区别是什么?)

    When you insert a file as attachment, the whole file is copied into the database, and the database file size usually gets larger. When you insert a file as shortcut, only a file link is inserted into the database, rather than copying the whole file, it won't bloat the database file. If you have a number of (larger) files need to organize within myBase, it's recommended to insert them as shortcuts with the relative path applied.

    当把文件以附件形式插入,那么整个文件将被复制到数据库,因此数据库文件的大小会变大。 当插入文件快捷方式的时候,只是文件链接被插入到数据库,而不是复制整个文件到数据库,所以数据库文件并不会增大太多。 如果你想用myBase管理大量的(大)文件,建议您使用插入快捷方式,同时应用相对路径。

  4. Upgrading exisitng .nyf databases to Ver 7.x(升级旧版.nyf数据库到7.x版本)

    For better cross-platform support, myBase Desktop 7.x has upgraded its storage and text content format; If you have a .nyf database created within old versions of myBase (e.g. 4.x, 5.x, 6.x) for Windows, and would like to get it to work with myBase 7.x, please follow this,

    • Download and install myBase Desktop 6.5.1+ on a Windows PC;
    • Open the .nyf database within myBase Desktop 6.5.1+;
    • Select the [File - Maintenance - Replicate from RTF to HTML ...] menu item, specify a new database file name, and press OK button;
    • After the replication/conversion is done, the new replication .nyf database will work with myBase Desktop 7.x on both Linux, Mac OS X and Windows;

    Unlike RTF text formatting, the HTML format doesn't support OLE objects embedding into text contents, OLE embedding is a Windows OS specific feature that is currently not available for Linux/Mac OS X. The replication tool tries to convert OLE objects (if any) into thumbnail images embedded in resulting HTML content.

    Within v6.5.1+ the inbuilt RTF2HTML conversion during replication only parses a subset of RTF/1.8 control words (e.g. font, style, size, color, alignment, indentation, spacing, picture, etc.), not all RTF control words will be exactly converted. HTML formatting is quite different than RTF, you'd need to perform some adjustments manually, and have old .nyf databases preserved for later reference.

    If you have MS-Word properly installed on the system, it's recommended that you choose MS-Word for RTF2HTML conersion during the database replication. MS-Word fully understands the RTF specifications and performs almost perfect RTF2HTML conversion. myBase 6.5.1+ provides the option allowing to invoke MS-Word for RTF2HTML conversion while replicating databases.


  5. Opening attachments externally with associated programs(使用外部程序打开附件)

    When you open attached documents (i.e. attachments, not shortcuts) with associated programs, the attachment must be extracted and saved into a temporary directory, whereby external programs can access to them. myBase keeps an eye on the externally working documents, and tries to update the database if any changes are made to the documents, but this operation only performs when committing changes to the database, as myBase doesn't accurately detect if the documents have been closed by associated programs during the period. myBase only cleans up the temporary files at exit; If a document is opened with an external program, it remains in the temporary directory til myBase exits. You will need to actively have the externally working documents closed as soon as you finished editing the documents, and also note that:


    • If you close a database without precedingly closing the externally working documents, the changes made to the temporary doucments will be discarded;
    • If you re-open a document which is still opened externally, it may fail, or make conflicts with different revisions, that depends on behaviour of the associated programs;
    • If you re-open a document which has normally been closed since last open, myBase is unsure of the status, so you may be prompted with a message: "The attachment file might have been opened previously. Re-open it anyway?"; Press Yes button to open it again if you're sure that the document has been closed previously.
    • 如果在关闭外部程序前关闭myBase,那么改变就不会被保存在myBase。
    • 如果一个附件文档正在被外部程序打开,那么再次打开此文档将会根据外部程序的设置要么是不能打开,要么是产生了不同版本。
    • 如果重新打开一个曾经打开过的附件,myBase将会询问“附件先前已被打开过,是否再次打开”,按“是”确认打开。
  6. Disk space usage with myBase(磁盘空间使用)

    By default, all information is automatically compressed with the integrated zip utility and saved in .nyf databases. In most of cases, you don't need to care about the disk space usage on myBase databases. Here are a few notes about disk space usage that may help you understand how myBase stores information, and how to run it smoothly and safely.


    • Deleting info items or attachments only marks them as removed (trashes in the Recycle bin), this way, you have the chance of recovering them when you want them back; That's to say, deleting (trashing) info items or attachments won't free up any disk space, and the .nyf database file size will not shrink, till you run the [File - Maintenance - Empty recycle bin/Optimize for size] utility.
    • Committing changes to an info item's HTML content trashes the previous revision and produces a new entry in the revision history. You can choose to revert to one of existing revisions, till you run the [File - Maintenance - Empty recycle bin/Optimize for size] utility.
    • Inserting files as attachments copies whole file content into the .nyf database, this may bloat the .nyf database file size. If you'd like to organize a large number of documents with myBase, it's recommended that you just add the documents as shortcuts or hyperlinks, instead of adding attachments; Shortcuts/hyperlinks will not use too much disk space. In addition, myBase provides the Relatve path feature, which helps maintain consistency between shortcuts/hyperlinks and linked documents.
    • 为了能有恢复已删除资料的功能,删除的信息条目和附件在被删除时只是被标记上删除,并移到回收站。简单说来就是删除信息条目和附件并不会减少数据库的磁盘使用量。除非你运行【文件 - 维护 - 清空回收站/优化数据库】功能。
    • 当修改HTML内容并提交时会产生历史修订版本。你可以恢复到任一存在的修订版本。除非你运行【文件 - 维护 - 清空回收站/优化数据库】功能。
    • 当把文件已附件形式插入.nyf数据库时,会增大.nyf数据库的大小。如果你需要用myBase管理大量的文件,建议使用插入快捷方式来减少数据库的大小。此外亦可配合相对路径的功能使用。