Misc. utilities/features increasing personal productivity


  1. Keyboard shortcuts customization(自定义键盘快捷键)

    To customize keyboard shortcuts, please select [View - Options ...] menu item, then click the [Keyboard] tab, and hit a hotkey (keyboard combination or function key) on the target item within the action list to define it.

    如需自定义键盘快捷键,可以执行菜单【查看 - 选项 - 键盘】即可定义键盘快捷键。

  2. Items for today (or next week)(今日必读(或下周任务))

    Select the [Search - Items for today (or next week)] menu item to list out info items linked with the calender and being due today or in next week;

    通过执行菜单【搜索 - 今日必读】或【搜索 - 下周任务】,所有和所选日期范围相关联的信息条目将被列出在搜索结果窗口。

    To make info items linked with the calendar, please select the [Organize - Link - Link calendar ...] menu item.

    您可以通过菜单【整理 - 关联 - 链接日历】把信息条目和日期链接在一起。

  3. Evaluate math expression or js code(计算表达式和或执行js脚本)

    The [Tools - Evaluate expression or js code] utilities calculates the currently selected Math expression in the HTML content, and inserts the resulting values of the expression into the content; For example, the expression "1+2+3" will be calculated and turned into "1+2+3 = 6";

    【工具 - 计算表达式和或执行js脚本】工具可以对选定的HTML内容中的计算表达式进行计算,例如:表达式1+2+3将会变为1+2+3 = 6。

    If there's no text selected in the HTML content, a text box pops up, whereby you can type in an Math expression or js code to evaluate, the result of the expression or js code will not be inserted into the content, but only displayed in an 'Alert' window.


    Both Math expressions and js code you input must conform to Javascript Syntax, and you can use all of those classes and functions pre-defined in Javascript. For example, "new Date().getTime()" returns the current UNIX time in Milliseconds;

    需要注意的是输入的计算表达式和js代码都必须遵守Javascript Syntax, 这意味着你可以可以使用所有Javascript预定义的类和函数,例如:new Date().getTime()将以Unix时间格式返回当前时间。

    In addition, myBase plugin APIs is fully supported.

    另外,所有本工具也支持所有myBase plugin APIs

  4. Display statistics(显示条目统计)

    The [Organize - Display statistics] utility looks into the current outline branch and reports statistics on file size.

    菜单【整理 - 显示条目统计】工具可以显示当前信息条目分支的的文件大小统计信息。

  5. Batch redirect shortcuts(批量重定向快捷方式)

    The [Attachments - Batch redirect shortcuts] utility replaces file path of shortcuts with a new folder path. It's useful when linked files/documents have been moved to another disk folder, you can update exising shortcuts with the new folder path. without having to re-create all the existing shortcuts.

    这个工具可以用来批量替换目标文件路径到指定的路径。当您移动了一些在myBase里用快捷方式链接的文档或者目录时,您可以批量的更新新的目录路径,而不需要重新创建快捷方式。可以通过菜单【附件 - 批量重定向快捷方式】访问这个工具。

  6. Compare folders

    The [Tools - Compare folder] utility looks into two given disk folders, and attempts to detect difference between the two folders. It only checkes filenames and attributes (size, date modified) of files existing in the two folders, and then report difference if any.

    【工具 - 文件夹比较】工具会尝试找出所选的两个磁盘文件夹中的不同。这个工具只会检查文件名和属性(大小,修改日期),然后把不同地方列出。