Organize info items


Basically, you can organize info items in the tree outline form, myBase also implements additional organizing methods, such as item links, symbolic links, linking with calendar, and labelling etc.


  1. Item links(信息条目链接)

    Each info item can have a list of related info items, which will be listed out for reference when the item opens. Double-clicking on a related item will open the item. To make an item link, please select the [Organize - Link - Link info item ...] menu item, then select a target item to link.

    每个信息条目可以和其他一个或多个信息条目相关联,当打开一个信息条目,与之相关联的信息条目将被显示并作为参考。双击一个关联信息条目,就会打开和跳转到相应的信息条目。如需把一个信息条目和另一个信息条目连接,可以通过菜单【整理 - 关联 - 关联条目】,然后可在弹出窗口选择需要联结的节点即可。

    The item links can also be inserted into HTML content as hyperlinks, one can click on the hyperlinks to open the target items. To insert an item link into HTML content, please select the [Edit - Insert - Insert item link] menu item, then select a target item to link;

    信息条目链接也可作为超链接放到HTML内容里,通过点击这个超链接就可打开相应的节点。可通过菜单【编辑 - 插入 - 插入条目链接】,然后可在弹出窗口选择需要联结的信息条目即可把链接插入到HTML内容中。

    In order to link an info item from the currently selected text within the HTML content, please right-click and select the [Edit hyperlink ...] menu item, then press [Info item] button and select a target info item to link;

    另外,也可通过选定html文本后,通过右键 - 【编辑链接 - 信息条目】插入信息条目链接。

  1. Symbolic links(符号链接)

    Symbolic links (Symlinks) are a special kind of info items which can be inserted into the outline tree. Symbolic links behave more likely shortcuts to real info items. There're several synonyms that may describe the concept, such as virtual-node, clone-node, shortcut, transclusion, reference etc. One can create a symlink just containing a reference to another real item. Comparing to the real item, the symlink doesn't save its own data. When clicking on a symlink item, it simply displays content of the referenced item instead of its own. If the referenced item is also a symlink item, it goes forward on the chain till the real item is reached, or an endless loop is detected. Within myBase, you can create as many symlinks as you see fit. The drawback is that when you copy/export a branch contains symlinks, they're ignored. To insert a symbolic link, please select the [Organize - Link - Symbolic link to ...] menu item, then select a target info item to link.

    符号链接是一种可以插入大纲树形结构的特殊的信息条目。其实符号链接更像是通往真实条目的快捷方式。有很多词可以描述这一概念, 例如虚拟节点、快捷方式、克隆节点等。您可以创建一个符号链接,仅仅是为了作为一个通往真实条目的参考。与真实条目相比,符号链接并不保存自己的内容。 当点击一个符号链接,它只显示这个参考条目(真实条目)的内容,而并不显示符号链接本身的内容。如果这个参考条目也是一个符号链接, 那么它就会一直链接下去直到到达真实条目。在myBase里,您可定义随意多个符号链接。唯一的缺憾是当你复制或导出含有符号链接的支节点时, 这些符号链接会被忽略,而不会被导出。您可通过菜单【整理 - 关联 - 符号链接】添加符号链接。

  2. Link with calendar(与日历链接)

    Each info item can be linked with a calendar date by selecting the [Organize - Link - Link calendar ...] menu item. By default, the associated calendar date will be displayed in title text in the outline tree.

    每个信息条目可以通过菜单【整理 - 关联 - 链接日历】和一个特点日期相连接。在默认设置的情况下,相关联的的日期会显示在树形大纲的节点名字旁。

  3. Label info items(信息条目标签)

    In addition to the basic tree structured outline, the label tree provides the second method for categorizing info items. To label an info item, please select the [Organize - Link - Label info item ...] menu item, then select and check one or more appropriate labels to apply to the info item.

    除了基本的树形大纲结构,标签树是分类节点的第二种方法。如果要给信息条目加签节,可以通过菜单【整理 - 关联 - 加标签】,然后在弹出的【应用标签】窗口选择一个或多个标签应用在信息条目上。

    The label tree is fully customizable and you can add as many labels as you need. To add custom labels, please select the [Organize - Add child item] or [Add sibling ...] menu item within the label tree view;

    你可以按照需要添加任意多个标签。在【标签】视图可以通过【整理 - 添加子项】或者【整理 - 添加项,后面】或者【整理 - 添加项,前面】添加标签。

  4. Bookmarks(书签)

    myBase supports bookmark of paragraphs inside HTML content; To define a bookmark of paragraph inside HTML content, select the [Bookmarks - Add to bookmarks ...] menu item.

    myBase支持在HTML内容中使用书签,只需通过菜单【书签 - 添加书签】即可在HTML内容中加人书签。

    Note that myBase needs to insert an Anchor into HTML content when adding a bookmark, so it can scroll down the HTML content to the bookmarked paragraph when triggering the bookmark item.


    myBase also supports hyperlinks to bookmarks from within HTML content. To make a hyperlink with a bookmarked item/position, please first highlight a part of text in the HTML editor, then select [Edit - Edit hyperlink ...] menu item, and then select an item from in the 'Bookmark' list to link;

    myBase同时也支持把HTML内容和书签直接的“超链接”。选定html文本后,通过右键 - 【编辑链接 - 书签】插入书签链接。

  5. Custom icons(自定义图标)

    Each .nyf database can store a collection of bmp/png/jpg/gif image files (16x16px) as custom icons, which can be applied to info items and label items.


    Newly created databases contain several pre-defined icons ready to use, but you may want to import additional desired images as custom icons.


    To import image files as custom icons, please select the [Organize - Custom icons ...] menu item, the [Custom icons] window pops up, wherby you can press the [Add] button to import image files as custom icons; To apply a custom icon to info items, double click on an icon, or select an icon and press the [Apply] button.

    如需导入图片文件,可以通过菜单【整理 - 自定义图标】,在弹出窗口点击【导入】即可加入图标。如需应用自定义图标到信息条目或者标签,可以在弹出的窗口选择一个图标,然后再点击【选用】或者双击一个图标,即可把该图标赋予所选的节点或者标签。

  6. Custom styles(定制样式)

    myBase 7.x supports custom font/color attributes for individual info items, this makes the outline view more customizeable.

    myBase 7.x支持分别定义大纲视图下信息条目的字体和颜色等样式,这也使得大纲视图的可定制性更大。

    To set custom styles for info items, please try to first select the outline items and then select the [Organize - Custom styles ...] menu item.

    如需定制信息条目的样式,可以在选定信息条目后通过【整理 - 定制样式】菜单实现。

  7. Move info items(移动信息条目)

    First select one or more info items within the outline view, then select the [Organize - Move - Move item up/down...] menu item to move the selected info items up/down; or select the [Organize - Move - Move to ...] menu item to move them to a specified item as child items; or select the [Organize - Move - Promote to top level] menu item to move them as top-level items.

    如需移动信息条目,需先选择一个或多个信息条目,然后选择菜单【整理 - 移动 - 上移】,【整理 - 移动 - 下移】把信息条目上下移动,亦可使用【整理 - 移动 - 移动到】把信息条目移动到其他特定的分支下。通过菜单【整理 - 移动 - 移至最顶层】则可把所选信息条目移动到大纲的最上层。

  8. Sort child items by alphabet(排序子项 - 按字母)

    Info items or label items can be sorted by alphabet or date modified in ascending/descending order. The sorting utility rearranges child items under an item or in the whole sub branch. To sort child info items, please switch to the outline tree view and select the [Organize - Sort child items] menu item. To sort sub labels, please switch to the label tree view and select the [Organize - Sort child items] menu item.

  9. Sort child items by calendar(排序子项 - 按关联日期)

    Info items can be sorted by associated calendar date by selecting the [Organize - Sort child items by calendar] menu item.

    信息条目可以根据关联的日期进行排序。选中父信息条目后,可以通过菜单【整理 - 按关联日期排序】对子信息条目进行排序。

    To make an info item associated with the calendar, please select [Organize - Link - Link calendar] menu item.

    如需把信息条目和日期关联,可以通过菜单【整理 - 关联 - 链接日历】。

  10. Auto numbering(自动编号)

    The [Organize - Auto number ...] utility helps add ascending numbers to title of each child items under the current item. If the titles already contain numbers, it simply clears the numbers, then you can run this utility again to re-number them.

    如需对子信息条目进行自动编号,可以先选中父信息条目后,通过执行菜单【整理 - 自动编号】。如果子条目已经包含有数字,那么数字将会被删除,可以再次执行此工具进行重新编号。

  11. Duplicate info item(复制条目)

    The [Organize - Duplicate info item ...] utility makes a duplicate of the current info item (branch). This is useful when you want to make a copy of the item and then move it to another item.

    如需复制条目,可以通过菜单【整理 - 复制条目(分支)】。

  12. Copy tree icon(复制图标)

    The [Organize - Copy tree icon ...] utility copies the current tree icon to all its child items in the outline tree.

    通过菜单【整理 - 复制图标】可以实现复制当前信息条目的图标并赋予所有子节点这个图标。