

  1. Why are all editing tools grayed out? I cannot edit anymore.(为什么编辑工具都变灰了?无法修改节点。)

    If the database was open as Readonly, please try to close and re-open it without the 'Readonly' attribute. To do so, select the 'File - Open Database...' menu item with the Ctrl key held down, locate the target database file and press the 'Open' button.

    如果数据库是以只读方式打开,请关闭数据库并再次打开(非只读方式)。您可以选择【文件 - 打开数据库】然后同时按住Ctrl按钮打开。

    Note that current text note can be temporarily set as Readonly by selecting the 'Edit - Edit/Rename' menu item. If this is the case, simply select the menu item again to remove the 'Readonly' flag.

    需要注意的是通过使用菜单【编辑 - 编辑或重命名】可以暂时把信息条目变成只读,如果是这种情况,再次使用【编辑 - 编辑或重命名】即可恢复可编辑状态。

  2. Nothing found when searching a database.(搜索时无结果返回)

    The [Advanced search] and [Find as you type] utilities are based on index data. Before searching, you'll need to build/update index data by selecing the [File - Maintenance - Update index] menu item. Without index data, you'd want to try the [Find partial words] and/or [Use regular expression] option.

    【高级搜索】和【输入时搜索】是基于索引数据的,在搜索前,您需要通过菜单【文件 - 维护 - 更新索引】创建或更新索引。或者您可以使用基于实时搜索(不需索引)的搜索方式,即在【搜索 - 高级搜索】中使用【查找不完整单词】或【使用正则表达式】选项。

    In addition, myBase provides the [Tools - Diagnose file parser] utility, which is intended for diagnose index data and search results by parsing HTML content or attached documents.

    另外,通过【工具 - 诊断文档解析模块】工具可以查看和诊断索引数据。

  3. Password forgotten?(遗忘密码)

    Please be sure to save your passwords in a secure place after setting passwords to protect your databases. If you lost your passwords, you might have lost access to your database, we suggest that you try to first list out all possible passwords you ever used on the computer, and then try them one by one.


  4. Failure loading a database?(打开数据库失败)

    If you're having problems opening a .nyf database within v6.3.x/7.x, please make sure that you have the appropriate rights accessing to the .nyf file, or find solutions below by error messages;

    • "Failed to open the database ..."
      If you experienced an error message like this: 'Failed to open the database...', it's more likely that the database is already open within another myBase instance. If this is the case, you can simply activate the previous myBase instance. Otherwise, the .nyf file could be in use by some other programs in the system, for example, certain Anti-virus/malware utility might be running in background and actively checking it at that time.

    • "The database has a signature of the storage library (SSG-3) ..."
      When you attempt to open a .nyf database created with old versions of myBase (e.g. 4.x, 5.x, 6.x), it may fail to open with a popup message like this: "The database has a signature of the storage library (SSG-3) which is no longer supported in the new cross-platform system". As indicated, myBase Desktop 7.x does no longer support the old version of storage library (SSG-3), you'll need to upgrade the .nyf database with the new SSG-5 storage library. In order to upgrade the storage, please try this;

      • Download and install myBase Desktop 6.5.1+ on a Windows PC;
      • Open the .nyf database within myBase Desktop 6.5.1+;
      • Select the [File - Maintenance - Replicate from RTF to HTML ...] menu item, determine a new database file name, and press OK button;
      • After the replication/conversion is done, the new replication .nyf database will work with myBase Desktop 7.x for both GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
    • "Invalid file identifier detected ..."
      If you're sure that the file has the .nyf extension name, and worked ever before with myBase Desktop, it might have got corrupted somehow, you'd need to restore the database from the most recent backup file. To restore the database from a backup file, simply change the file extension name to .nyf, or duplicate the .bak file as a new .nyf file, then you can load the new .nyf file within myBase. Otherwise, if you don't have any backup files preserved, you'd have to try running the recovery tool shipped within the SSG Command Line Tools package. To recover data from a corrupted .nyf file, please try to first download and extract the package, then open a Terminal window, and change to the directory where the command 'ssg5recover' resides, and then run the command: ssg5recover "full-path-to-nyf-file" [More info]

    • "Authentication method not supported ..."
      When you see the error message: 'Authentication method not supported ...', you'd need to run this utility (SSG-5 Storage Replicator) and replicate the database (.nyf files) to a new storage file, that will have the new authentication method enabled. The new authentication algorithm is based on SHA-256 without encryption.
