Sharing data in various formats


  1. Export directory tree(导出磁盘目录树)

    This utility maps the outline as a directory tree in file system, each info item creates a sub directory (or folder), item content are exported as .html documents (named with defnote.html), and attachments (webpages, images, documents, etc.) are exported as files and stored in the directory tree.


    To export database as a directory tree, please select the [Share - Export directory tree ...] menu item, then choose a folder location to create the directory tree.

    您可以通过菜单【导出 - 导出磁盘目录树】访问这个工具,然后您可以选择目标文件夹位置。

  2. Export HTML tree(导出树形大纲页面HTML tree)

    This utility exports item contents as a collection of webpages indexed within an HTML tree. The webpage layout is divided into two panes, the outline items are listed in the left pane, and item content is shown in the right pane when clicking on an outline item by mouse.


    To export HTML tree, please select the [Share - Export HTML tree ...] menu item.

    可以通过菜单【导出 - 导出到带树形大纲的网页(HTML tree)】访问本工具。

  3. Export current branch to a .nyf file(导出nyf分支)

    This utility transfers the current outline branch (including item content and sub items) into another .nyf database. If the target .nyf file already exists, you will be prompted to select a destination outline item to save the contents. Otherwise, a new .nyf file will be created to save the contents.


    To export branch to .nyf file, please select the [Share - Export branch to .nyf file] menu item.

    可以通过菜单【导出 - 导出nyf分支】访问这个工具。

  4. Export selected attachments(导出附件)

    This utility exports the currently selected attachments to a specified folder in the file system.


    To export selected attachments, please select the [Attachments - Export attachments ...] menu item.

    如需导出选定附件,可以通过菜单【附件 - 导出附件】。

  5. Export all files to a folder(导出文件到指定目录)

    This utility exports all text contents and attachments from in the current outline branch to a specified folder.


    To export all files in the current branch, please select the [Share - Export files to folder ...] menu item.

    可以通过菜单【导出 - 导出文件到指定目录】访问这个工具。

  6. Export MS-Word outline(导出MS-Word大纲)

    This utility exports outline items and/or item contents to MS-Word within the outline view via OLE-Automation. It's useful for writters/researchers to build up the hierarchical outline within myBase and then transfer it into MS-Word for publishing/printing.


    To export outline items and/or item contents to MS-Word outline, please select the [Share - Export MSWord outline...] menu item, then select the content/range being exported to MS-Word, and determine a filename to save the contents.

    如要导出内容到MS-Word大纲,可以通过菜单【导出 - 导出MS-Word大纲】,然后再弹出窗口选择需要导出的内容和范围以及定义目标文件名。

    This utility requires MS-Word to be properly installed on the system for data exchanging via OLE Automation (a Windows feature).


  7. Export .exe standalone databases(导出.exe文件)

    myBase 7.x doesn't provide the viewer program, you may try creating .exe databases by utilizing myBase Viewer 6.5.x which is compatible with v7.x; In order to export .exe database, you'll need to first download and install myBase Viewer 6.5.x, and then select the [Share - Export .exe database] menu item from in myBase Viewer 6.5.x;

    由于myBase 7.x并没有提供数据库查看程序,如果你想导出exe文件,那么需要先下载并安装之前的版本myBase Viewer 6.5.x, 打开数据库后通过菜单【分享 - 导出exe文件】即可。

    Note that the .exe database is currently a Windows platform specific feature, but not available for Linux and Mac OS X.

    需要注意的是导出.exe文件是Windows版本的特定功能,并不适用于Linux和Mac OS X系统。

  8. Export CHM project(导出CHM项目文件)

    This utility exports item content as CHM project files, which can be compiled into CHM ebooks, by utilizing Microsoft HTML Help Workshop.

    这个工具可以把信息条目内容导出成CHM项目文件,然后可以使用Microsoft HTML Help Workshop生成CHM电子书。

    To export CHM, please select [Share - Export CHM project ...] menu item, then select a temporary destination folder where the CHM project files will be stored. Once the CHM project files are successfully generated, you can double click the generated .hhp file in the destination folder, HTML Help Workshop will load the project files, and then you can select the [File - Compile ...] menu item to make the CHM ebook.

    通过菜单【导出 - 导出CHM项目文件】,然后选择保存CHM项目文件的文件夹即可。导出完成后,可以通过双击.hhp来把项目文件在HTML Help Workshop里打开,在通过HTML Help Workshop的菜单【文件 - 编译】即可生成CHM电子书。

    myBase doesn't include the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop in its package, you'll need to download it separately from Microsoft Download Site and have it properly installed on the system before compiling the CHM projects.

    需要注意的是myBase的安装并不包含Microsoft HTML Help Workshop,在使用本导出工具前,您需要先从Microsoft Download Site下载Microsoft HTML Help Workshop并安装。

    If you have Microsoft HTML Help Workshop installed in its default folder (i.e C:/Program Files (x86)/HTML Help Workshop/, or C:/Program Files/HTML Help Workshop/ on Windows XP), myBase will automatically invoke the CHM compiler to compile the CHM project, and generate the .chm document, and then clean up temporary files in one go, without having to manually run the CHM compiler.

    如果将 Microsoft HTML Help Workshop 软件安装在其缺省目录中,即:C:/Program Files (x86)/HTML Help Workshop/ 或WinXP的C:/Program Files/HTML Help Workshop/目录, myBase则会自动调用该CHM编译器程序,并生成.CHM 文档,最后还会自动清理临时文件,一气呵成,无需再手工调用编译程序。

    Note that the .CHM compiler is a Windows platform specific feature, but currently not available for Linux and Mac OS X.

    需要注意的是导出.CHM编译器是Windows版本的特定功能,并不适用于Linux和Mac OS X系统。


  9. Export text with delimiter(导出带分隔符的纯文本文件)

    This utility exports text contents from in current branch and saves as a plain text file with text contents separated by a given line delimiter.


    To export text with a delimiter, please select [Share - Export text with delimiter] menu item, then enter a text delimiter, and determine a file path to save the text contents.

    可以通过菜单【导出 - 导出带分隔符的纯文本文件】,然后定义分割符和目标文件夹即可。

  10. Export text with indentation(导出带缩进的纯文本文件)

    This utility exports text contents from in current branch and saves as a plain text file with the original tree structure preserved.


    To export text with indentation, please select [Share - Export text with indentation] menu item, then determine a file path to save the text contents, and optionally specify a prefix tag for each item titles.

    可以通过菜单【导出 - 导出带缩进的纯文本文件】,然后定义标记和目标文件夹即可。

  11. Export text without formatting(导出纯文本文件)

    This utility exports text contents from in current branch and saves as a plain text file without any formatting data.


    To export plain text without formatting, please select [Share - Export text without formatting] menu item, then determine a file path to save the plain text contents.

    可以通过菜单【导出 - 导出纯文本文件】,然后定义目标文件夹即可。

  12. Export data records to CSV file(导出数据字段为CSV文件)

    This utility searches item content in the current branch for data records by the given field names, and results (found records) will be saved into a .csv file, which is compatible with spreadsheet software or relational database programs.


    To export data records to a .csv file, please select [Share - Export data records to CSV file] menu item, then enter field names (sepearted comma), and determine path to the destination .csv file;

    可以通过菜单【导出 - 导出数据字段为CSV文件】,然后定义字段和目标文件夹既可。

    For instance, giving the field names: "name1|name2|name3|name4", it searches for data records in item content having text like this;


       name1 = value1  
       name2 = value2  
       name3 = value3  
       name4 = value4

    and the resulting .csv file will have the records like this;


       ... ...

    In addition, the [Edit - Text utilities - Edit with fillable form] utility provides the convenience of editing this kind of data records within a fillable form.

    另外,菜单【编辑 - 实用工具(文本) - 编辑数字段】可以用来方便的输入数据。

  13. Export Spider Diagram(导出蜘蛛图)

    This utility exports the outline items from in the current branch and generates a spider-like diagram. To export a spider diagram, please select the [Share - Export spider diagram...] menu item, then determine a few options and a file name to save the spider diagram in either of the PNG/JPG/BMP file formats.

    这个工具把当前分支的大纲结构导出成蜘蛛图。您可通过菜单【导出 - 导出蜘蛛图】运行此工具,然后您可以选择蜘蛛图的文件名以及图片的格式(PNG/JPG/BMP)。

  14. Export ePub digital book(导出ePub电子书)

    This utility exports HTML contents from in the current branch and generates ePub digital books, which can be then transferred to iOS/Android devices (e.g. iPhone/iPad/Samsung) for viewing. Each info item in the outline branch creates a chapter in the .ePub e-book.


    Like the HtmlTree maker, the default HTML contents will be exported inclucing fonts, colors, links and images; If an info item doesn't contain the default HTML content, the first html document (if present) will be chosen as the content of the chapter; If only a list of images are stored in an info item, myBase tries to make all the images available in the resulting .ePub e-book; Otherwise, for empty info items, a simple list of child items will be displayed.


    Note that we've put some efforts into validating HTML documents stored in .nyf databases and making them conform to W3C XHTML 1.1 Specs. However, for those random HTML documents with malformed formatting, the conversion may fail, if in this case, you'd need to manually remedy the HTML formatting code before making the .ePub e-book, or you may simply select the option to ignore malformed HTML code if any.

    需要注意的是,我们已经提供了有效的措施确保存在nyf数据库的html文档符合W3C XHTML 1.1标准。 但有极个别html文件由于格式上的混乱,导出转换有可能会出现错误。这种情况下,您需要在导出epub前先处理好html的格式问题;另一个选择是在导出生成ePub文档的时候选择忽略有错误的HTML代码。

    How to view ePub e-books on Apple iPhone/iPod/iPad?

    • There're several e-Book reader applications available for iPhone/iPod/iPad in the AppStore, (e.g. iBooks, Stanza ) If you use iBooks, just drag the ePub files into your iTunes Library (or select Add to Library from the iTunes File menu), then sync your iPhone/iPod/iPad with your computer. The ePub books will appear on your shelf in iBooks right alongside the ones you get through iBook store. For Stanza, please select your device in iTunes, click the 'Apps' tab, then scroll the window down to the 'File sharing' section and select the 'Stanza' item whereby you can drag your ePub files into the 'Stanza Documents' list on the right, and the ePub ebooks will shortly appear on your shelf in Stanza.


    • 在Appstore上有不少电子书阅读软件可以在iPhone/iPod/iPad上使用,例如iBooks和Stanza。 如果您使用iBooks,您只需把ePub文档拖入iTunes库(或者从iTunes文件菜单中选择加入库),然后使计算机和iPhone/iPod/iPad同步即可。这样ePub电子书就会出现在iBooks的书架。如果您使用Stanza,那么可以在iTunes里选择您的设备,然后点“Apps”标签,然后找到“共享文件”区域,再选择'Stanza'项目,然后你就可以把ePub文档拖到位于右侧的'Stanza Documents'中,完成您的ePub电子书将会出现在Stanza的书架上。

    This plugin utility converts myBase into an easy-to-use ePub e-book maker.

    这个插件把 myBase 转换成易于使用的ePub电子书制作工具。