Capture data from various sources


In addition to individually adding info items while building a database, myBase provides a set of utilities that help capture data from in various data sources (e.g. disk files, directories, MS-Office and webpages etc.). See below for detailed instructions. Most of import/export specific utilities listed below are written in Javascript, and you have the convenience of customizing the script code or writting your own plugin scripts for particular data processing. For more info on writing plugins, please visit myBase Plugin Development.

除了可以手动单独添加信息条目到数据库外,myBase提供了一系列的工具可以用来从各种数据源获取数据(例如文件,文件夹,Office文档和网页等等)。 请查看下列详细描述。另外大部分的导入导出工具是用Javascript编写的,您可以方便的自己做修改或者写一个适合您自己需求的数据导入和处理插件。可以查看myBase Plugin Development获取更多有关编写插件的信息。

  1. Import directory tree(导入磁盘目录树)

    This utility imports a disk directory tree (including sub trees and files) into the current .nyf database as sub branches, each folder creates an info item in the outline, and files are imported as attachments (or hyperlinks). Note that .html documents are inserted as default content.


    To import a direstory tree, please select the [Capture - Import directory tree ...] menu item, then choose a directory to import.

    如需导入文件作为附件,可以通过菜单【导入 - 导入磁盘目录树】,然后在弹出的窗口中选择需导入的目录和导入方式即可。

    Note that importing files as attachments copies all files into .nyf databases, that may bloat the database file size. If you'd want to keep databases compact, please be sure to select the [Save files as hyperlinks] option, that imports the directory tree structure with files inserted as hyperlinks, instead of copying whole files into the database storage; It inserts file info (e.g. path, size and date modified) into item content. Clicking on the hyperlinks launches the original documents as long as they're associated with programs installed on the system.

    需要注意的是导入文件作为附件会把所有文件都导入到nyf数据库中,继而使数据库文件增大。 如果想保持较精简的数据库文件大小,那么可以在弹出窗口选择【2.导入磁盘目录树,将文件导入为file://超链接(适合较大尺寸文件)】,这样只有目录结构会被导入,文件则会以超链接形式保存,也就是说磁盘中的文件并不会被导入到nyf数据库中。导入的信息包括了文件路径,大小,修改时间,这些信息会被保存在信息条目的内容中。当单击超链接就会打开相应的文件。

  2. Import .nyf database(导入nyf数据库)

    This utility imports info items from another .nyf database into the current database as sub branches.


    To import info items from an existing .nyf database, select the [Capture - Import data from .nyf database] menu item, then select a .nyf file, and select an info item (branch) to import.

    如需从已存在的nyf文件中导入数据,可以通过菜单【导入 - 导入nyf分支】,再选择已存在的nyf文件,然后在【浏览树形大纲】对话框中选择需要导入的分支,就可导入到当前数据库中。

  3. Import files as child items(导入文件生成子条目)

    This utility imports selected files as child info items, each file creates an info item under the current item, HTML documents are inserted as item's default content, while other files inserted as attachments. When importing local HTML documents, accompanying images (if existing) will be smartly imported as well.


    To import files as child items, please select the [Capture - Import files as child items ...] menu item, then select one or more files to import.

    要进行上述操作,可以通过菜单【导入 - 导入文件为子项】,然后选择一个或多个文档导入。

  4. Import MS-Word documents(导入MS-Word文档)

    This utility imports MS-Word documents into the current database as child info items. Unlike the [Capture - Import files as child items], this utility attempts to convert .doc documents into HTML documents and save as item's default content;


    To import MS-Word documents, please select the [Capture - Import MS-Word documents ...] menu item, then select one or more .doc files to import.

    如需导入MS-Word文档,可以通过菜单【导入 - 导入MS-Word文档】,然后选择一个或多个.doc文件即可。

    This utility requires MS-Word to be properly installed on the system for performing document format conversion via OLE Automation (a Windows feature).


  5. Import MS-Word outline(导入MS-Word大纲)

    This utility imports an MS-Word document with outline items imported as child info items. Each MS-Word outline item creates an info item with the original hierarchical outline levels preserved, and text content are saved as default content in each info items.


    To import MS-Word outline, please select the [Capture - Import MS-Word outline ...] menu item, and then select a .doc file to import.

    如需导入MS-Word文档大纲,可通过菜单【导入 - 导入MS-Word大纲】,然后选择一个.doc文件即可。

    This utility requires MS-Word to be properly installed on the system for data exchanging via OLE Automation (a Windows feature).


  6. Import MS-Outlook items(导入MS-Outlook条目)

    This utility imports MS-Outlook items into the current database as child info items. To import MS-Outlook items, you'll need to first launch MS-Outlook and select one or more items, and then switch back to myBase and select the [Capture - Import MS-Outlook items] menu item, the selected MS-Outlook items will be imported as child items with text content saved within each new info items.

    这个工具可以用来导入MS-Outlook条目并以子信息条目形式保存到当前数据库。如要导入MS-Outlook条目,首先需要先运行MS-Outlook,然后选择一个或多个想要导入到mybase条目,然后回到myBase界面,选择菜单【导入 - 导入MSOutlook条目】,那么在MS-Outlook里选择的条目即会被导入为信息条目。

    This utility requires MS-Outlook to be properly installed on the system for data exchanging via OLE Automation (a Windows feature).


  7. Import OPML items(导入OPML条目)

    This utility imports OPML items from a specified .opml document into the current database as child info items. To import OPML items, please select the [Capture - Import OPML items ...] menu item, then select a .opml file to import.

    这个工具可以用来导入.opml文件中的OPML条目到当前数据库,并以子信息条目的形式保存到当前数据库。如要导入OPML条目,可以通过菜单【导入 - 导入OPML条目】

  8. Import MindMap items(导入MindMap条目)

    This utility imports mindmap items from within a specified .mmap document into the current database as child info items. To import MindMap items, please select the [Capture - Import MindMap items] menu item, then select a .mmap file to import.

  9. Import journal template(导入日志模板)

    This utility makes a journal template tree for each day of a specified year. To import a journal template tree, please select the [Capture - journal template] menu item, then input a year number (e.g. 2015) to import.

    这个工具可以用来生成特定年份的日志模板。可通过菜单【导入 - 导入日志模板】,然后选择所需年份即可。

  10. Capture webpages/snippets(捕获网页)

    myBase accepts any type of files as attachments. To import existing HTML documents saved in local file system, simply insert them as attachments, by selecting the[Capture - Import files as child items] or [Capture - Import diretory tree ...] menu item. This way, each HTML document creates a child info item.

    myBase支持任何格式的文件作为附件。对于存在于本地硬盘里的现有html文件,您可以通过菜单【导入 - 导入文件为子项】或【导入 - 导入磁盘目录树】直接以附件形式添加到节点里。用这样的方法,每个导入的html文件将会创建为一个子节信息条目。

    If you'd want to capture and save webpages (or snippets) directly from within your web browser while surfing on the web, please try the Webcollect addon program, which is now available for Firefox 35+ and Chrome 41-. While surfing on the web with the Webcollect addon properly installed, you can right-click on a webpage and select the [Save with myBase] menu item to capture and save the whole webpage (or highlighted part of the webpage) including accompanying images within the currently working myBase database.

    您也可以通过使用Webcollect附加组件在浏览网页的时候直接从浏览器抓取保存网页,Webcollect支持Firefox 35+ and Chrome 41- 浏览器。如果Webcollect安装正确,当在浏览网页的时候,只需在网页上右键,然后选择【Save with myBase】即可整个网页保存或者选定部分保存到当前myBase数据库。

    Before capturing a webpage, you'll need to first launch myBase and open a database, and then instruct WebCollect to transfer the captured webpage/snippet to the currently working database.


    In addition, WebCollect addon is based on NPAPI, but some web browsers (Google Chrome) are ending support for NPAPI in future versions. Currently, WebCollect requires Mozilla Firefox 36+ and Google Chrome 41- to work normally; If you're using Goolge Chrome 42/43/44, you'll need to manually enable NPAPI.

    另外,由于WebCollect是基于NPAPI,而一些浏览器(如:Google Chrome)已经停止支持NPAPI,所以现时WebCollect的正常运行需要Firefox 36+ and Google Chrome 41-的版本。如果使用的是Goolge Chrome 42/43/44,你需要手动激活NPAPI.

  11. Import text by delimiter(导入带分隔符的文本文件)

    This utility imports text content as child items, from a text file with text separated by a delimiter, like this,


    Some text lines A
    Some text lines B
    Some text lines C
    Some text lines D

    Where the '----------' is the text delimiter.


    To import the text file as child items, please select the [Capture - Import text by delimiter] menu item, then select a text file, and specify a delimiter. In order to import a text file with each text line saved as a child item, simply supply the '\n' as delimiter.

    要导入这类文件,可以使用菜单【导入 - 导入带分隔符的文本文件】,选择需要导入的文本文件,然后输入分隔即可。 如果想导入文本文件的每行并作为子节点保存,只需要在输入分隔符的地方输入“\n”。

  12. Clipboard monitor(剪贴板监视)

    The clipboard monitor helps capture info from other programs by monitoring the system clipboard. Once the clipboard monitor is activated, any changes on the clipboard will trigger a popup window and ask for confirmation to save the clipboard content within the currently working database.


    To activate the clipboard monitor, please select the [Capture - Clipboard monitor] menu item. Selecting the menu item again deactivates the clipboard monitor.

    可通过【导入 - 剪贴板监视】激活监视剪贴板。再按一次则取消激活。

    Note that Mac OS X doesn't allow clipboard events to trigger the popoup window, myBase displays a top-level icon on desktop instead, so you can actively click on it to trigger the popup window after copying content to clipboard, or simply drag content and drop onto the icon to trigger it.

    由于Mac OS X不支持直接从粘贴板触发弹窗,所以在Mac OS X中myBase则在桌面上显示一个图标,当复制内容到剪贴板后需要点一下这个图标才会打开弹窗。或者可以吧内容直接拖到图标上触发弹窗。

  13. Import data from other programs(从其他程序导入数据)

    If you'd like to import data from other programs, please try either of these;


    • Export your data from in other programs, and save them as individual documents in txt/html file formats, then select the 'Capture - Import files as child items' menu item;

    • Export your data from in other programs, and map the data as a directory tree (if applicable), then select the 'Capture - Import directory tree' menu item;

    • Or, you may try utilizing the 'Clipboard monitor' that helps you manually copy/paste contents from other programs with less clicks;

    • 从其他程序导出成txt/html格式,然后通过菜单【导入 - 导入文件为子项】
    • 从其他程序导出数据,然后通过菜单【导入 - 导入磁盘目录树】
    • 使用【剪贴板监视】功能,直接粘贴复制到myBase数据库